WAGR Weekend 2023 Belgium was attended by 18 families from 11 countries. Linda van de Sande and her team of supporters and volunteers welcomed IWSA families to the beautiful Belgian
countryside for a weekend of family fun, educational opportunities, and fellowship.
Conference Recordings
The Saturday Family Meeting was held in person as well as on Zoom, and included presentations:
Individual session recordings are included in links above. A full recording is available below.
Aniridia Europe
Elena Tsonva shared information about Aniridia Europe and how the organization serves and supports individuals and their families. She also presented details about recent research and
plans for future projects, which will lead to better understanding of aniridia as well as treatments and therapies. Elena currently serves as Secretary, Aniridia Europe, as well as
President of Aniridia Bulgaria. Elena’s daughter has WAGR syndrome and she has attended several WAGR Weekends in the past, including in the United States and the United