This is Selma. She is 1 year and 8 months old and lives in Norway with her mom, Andrea, and her dad, Simen. Selma is a very active and happy girl full of joy for life who loves to be with other people and especially other children. Selma charms everyone she meets and has a wonderful drive.
She started walking at the age of 1 year and 5 months and has run every day since. She is very explorative and loves to climb stairs. She loves music and is a smart, little girl who likes to give hugs.
At 8 months old, she was diagnosed with Wilms tumour (kidney cancer) in both of her kidneys and has now been on chemotherapy for a year, to be completed now in March. She underwent two kidney surgeries last summer. Selma is a real warrior!
She has a CVK (centralt vein catheter) and also a button on her stomach (probe) through which she gets food and medication.
In addition to Selma being visually impaired, she also has cataracts, glaucoma and nystagmus. The nystagmus has improved a little during her first year of life.
We got a WAGR child, we got our Selma. We are so incredibly proud of our beautiful and unique treasure and we are ready to fight with her! We don't know where the road will lead us or what challenges will emerge, but along with the rest of the WAGR family in the IWSA, we will be able to get there. And we're going to knock down and win every challenge that meets us.